Google Reader Forever

I recently started using Google Reader to manage the blogs I follow. When I started, I was only reading a couple of blogs but it was so easy to add feeds that before I knew it, my list grew totally out of control. I can’t keep up with it! Why do people insist upon updating EVERY DAY? There are some bloggers who even update a couple times a day! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SLOW DOWN! Realize that your readers subscribe to more than just your feed! Give us time to catch up! Push away from the computer! Go outside and take a walk. Have some fun! We’ll be here when you get back, I promise!

One of my new daily reads is “I Will Teach You to be Rich.” Basically this kid just outlines ways to be cheap. I think the reason I like it is that I already do these things! Mostly. The one item that I am really guilty of is excessive subscriptions. I am subscribed to Netflix AND Rhapsody AND XM Radio. This does seem like too much but I enjoy it and it’s not like I can’t afford it. I am honestly considering dropping Netflix just because I am ashamed I’ve been so unrestrained. Of course I also had Little Miss Sunshine sitting on my coffee table since October 1st and only yesterday I tossed it back into my mailbox unwatched. I wish they had a pay to play plan for their on demand movies.

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